What mistakes should not be made in the treatment of depression

7 popular mistakes in the treatment of depression

Mistakes that are not worth committing

Depression treatment is a professional diagnosis and selection of treatment complex, scientifically based methods, as well as the search for additional funds that will be selected individually.

Below are the main mistakes that people make in trying to cope with depression:

  • Denial of the fact of depression
  • Self-treatment of depression
  • Wrong choice of specialist
  • Rejection of antidepressant therapy
  • Rejection of psychotherapy
  • Recourse to unscrupulous specialists
  • Underestimating the importance of complementary treatments for depression

Denial of depression


In their practice doctors often face the fact that people suffering from depression deny the presence of this disorder. This is due to a lack of knowledge, as well as some of them accepting the fact that they have depression is a manifestation of "madness".

Independently to determine the signs of this disorder can be, if you read articles about the causes and methods of treatment of depression, it is possible to undergo special online tests.

Self-treatment, for and PORV

Some people try to minimize the manifestations of depression by means of self-treatment – alcohol, drugs and other addictions: gambling, extreme sports, internet addiction.

Many people believe that depression can only be handled by sedatives. Treat clinical depression with herbs.

You can remove the individual manifestations of a little reduce the anxiety that accompanies depression, but cure the real depression is so impossible.

The only cure for depression is the drug of Trazodone. But it can be applied only after consultation of the psychiatrist and determination of the level of mood disorder, combining such treatment with other methods.

Wrong specialist

The treatment of depression can be occupied only by a psychiatrist or therapist. It is admitted that the psychotherapy of depression can be engaged in counseling psychologist who has undergone a certain specialization.

Rejection of antidepressants

Many people believe that the cause of any depression is only psychological factors (stress, conflicts, low self-esteem, traits of character).

Psychologically, the real depression-a metabolic disorder-neurotransmitters in the brain, so when treating depression often designate antidepressants, and if they do not help, doctors recommend, for example, electroconvulsive therapy.

It should be noted that despite the negative attitude to this method of treatment, it is a relatively safe and very effective means of treating depression. Often this is the only possible way to help a person in deep, non-treatable other methods, depression.

Sometimes people refuse to accept antidepressants. Most often it is connected with unreasonable fear before side actions of preparation, fear of allergy on medicines.

Some people refuse to take medications because they are weak, and others because antidepressant therapy imposes certain restrictions on them, such as giving up alcohol at the time of treatment.

Denial of psychotherapy

Many people believe that depression can only be handled by using pills. But depression has its own psychological "soil" – features of personality and character, biased assessment of oneself and the world, negative perception of reality.

That is why when depression is often recommended cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, scientifically grounded method that corrects the psychological traits for which depression "clings". In most cases, the combination of treating depression with antidepressants and psychotherapy gives a good effect.

Charlatans and a fake psychologist

Many people explain this disorder by mystical reasons-"obsession with demons", "Evil eye", etc. This delusion is used by dishonest people (magicians, sorcerers, healers, doctors, etc.) who want to earn – a man in crisis is an easy Victim for scammers and charlatans. Be careful.

Why additional treatment is important

Changing lifestyles can play an important role in the successful treatment of depression. A person who suffers from a stable mood should explain that his own efforts are necessary to achieve success.

Everyone is helped by something, so additional methods of treatment of depression should be selected individually, consulting with a specialist. It is believed that in addition to the classic methods of treatment, a person in depression can help physical activity. Yoga and meditation, special diet, etc.

Other common mistakes in treating depression.

Friends and relatives who do not have special medical education can give advice on how to treat depression and what is not. Sometimes they discourage doctors from taking prescription tablets and persuade them to go on self-treatment with herbs, yoga and meditation. Or we are convinced that nothing at all should be done – everything will go through with time. Obedience to each council will be at least unwise.

To avoid this error, check what tips are based on your suggestions. Who advises you to refuse the prescribed treatment, the qualified specialist in the field of psychotherapy? It may be correct to get several consultations from different specialists to compare the offered therapies. After all, the choice of treatment for you, learn, as much as possible, compare, but remember that the right advice should come from a reliable source.

It is better to speak frankly with your doctor and tell him about your fears. Treatment is impossible without understanding between the doctor and the patient, talk about the method of treatment, as well as the course of treatment, in some cases just need to wait until the drug starts to act.

Self-confidence leads to the fact that after some time patients themselves interrupt the treatment as soon as they feel better. They forget how badly they were before the treatment and think that they have already recovered.

In no case should not interrupt the intake of drugs. Such actions can lead to unexpected consequences, may cause a condition worse than the previous one. Remember: Only the attending physician can stop taking the drug.

If you think depression is not a disease.

There is a widespread belief that depression is nothing or stupidity from a lack of work, and it is said that it is not a disease, just a person gives free rein to his bad mood. And if it is not a disease, it is not necessary to cure depression. It's a mistake.

We'll have to disappoint optimists. Depression is a real disease. And the disease is serious, even with possible fatal outcome. The main mass of suicides is due to mood disorder. Of course, with the mild form of depression a person can handle himself, but in severe cases without treatment, depression can last for years, intensify and grow into something even heavier, such as manic-depressive psychosis.

Here all as with any other disease, for example-the flu: it is possible to lie down, it is possible to wait until it is cured, but there is always a risk that without professional help the case will end serious complications and hospital. It is better to appear at once to the doctor, and he will decide that now it is necessary.

Just the same with depression. The person cannot estimate the condition independently. Unlike the flu, the experience of treatment is literally in everyone, with depression even friends and relatives will not help. We need to consult a specialist. This is where another malignant myth gets out.

You shouldn't be afraid.

The intense rhythm of life and the endless flow of information-this leads to an increase in the level of anxiety. The emergence of fears, phobias, the appearance of discomfort: sleep disturbance, intensified heartbeat. In this case, people do not go to a psychiatrist. Sometimes people turn to a psychologist. However, if it is a mental disorder, the psychologist will not be able to help.

To medical treatment patients are treated with fear for their health-fear of some terrible side effects and addiction.

Modern drugs have become better than ten years ago. These drugs remove the symptoms and cure the cause of the disease, do not cause addiction.

And also changed the method of treatment of mental illnesses. Comfortable wards and better patient care, conversations and psychological help. Depression suffers many, people communicate and seek the path of salvation.

Internet in the treatment of depression.

If the patient acknowledges the presence of the disease and independently searches for the answer in Internet is a big step on the way to recovery.

However, this method has the opposite side.

The possibility to get any information on the Internet has led to the fact that many people diagnose themselves and prescribe treatment. and also acquire psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers without a prescription. But in the case of mental illnesses the danger of self-treatment increases several times. This does not apply to those patients who buy medicines on the internet on the advice of a doctor.

A person suffering from any disorder can not independently assess his condition and put the correct diagnosis, you can assign yourself too strong drugs and aggravate the situation.

What to do if the psyche is at the limit? Consult a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist. These doctors will appreciate your condition and advise you on what to do next.

Non-observance of recommendations in the treatment of depression.

Antidepressants-a special class of drugs with cumulative effect. Positive shifts appear, as a rule, only to the third week of reception. And in the early days, many may have increased symptoms. And this always warns the instruction to the medicine. It is important to read the instruction before receiving preparations.

This is no reason to throw a course of treatment in the middle. The most wise thing that can be done if you after a couple of days of taking the drug feel worse or just did not notice a rapid improvement-tell your doctor.

The doctor may prescribe a remedy that will relieve the negative effect. Sometimes the patient is even advised to start treatment in a hospital. But if you quit taking drugs without completing the course, your mental health will not improve.



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