Treatment of depression by folk remedies

Depression is a problem of modern society. To suspend its development will help not only medical treatment of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, but also folk remedies.

With all the suspicion of depression you need to consult a psychiatrist. Absolutely all doctors of this profile use a rehabilitation diagnosis – indicate a temporary and curable disorder in the card.

Best natural antidepressants:


These are medicinal plants that aim to improve the mood – ginseng, mint and Melissa. They are not consumed together, only separately.

Crushed roots and leaves of ginseng brew boiling water at the rate of 1 to 10 parts. You just need to pour boiling water. It is advisable to use a thermos. It is a folk remedy, to take such infusion is necessary according to the scheme: 1 teaspoon in the morning. Taking day and night is not recommended.

Mint acts softer. Take 1 tablespoon of crushed grass and pour 1 glass of boiling water, or boil for 10 minutes. After cooling and filtering drink in the morning on an empty stomach on half of a glass.

The alcohol tincture of Melissa works well. It will take 10 grams of Melissa, 1 g of Angelica Flower, 2 grams of clove flowers and lemon. All this pour 1 liter of vodka and insist in a dark cool place 2 weeks. Then 1-2 tea spoons of tincture add in hot not strong tea. It is better to drink such tea in the evening or even at night.

Universal St. John's Wort

This medicinal plant contains a red pigment that directly acts on depression, improving the functioning of the entire nervous system. The pharmaceutical industry is releasing a lot of drugs on this basis they are sold without a prescription because side effects are few.

  • St. John's wort cannot be consumed by pregnant women;
  • Can be given to children over 12 years of age;
  • After transplantation or organ transplantation;
  • At severe levels of hypertensive disease;
  • In the reception of hormonal contraceptives.

The broth of St. John's Wort. On one glass of boiling water it is necessary to take 1.5 tablespoons of crushed dry grass zveroboya, to cook on a pair during z0 minutes. Let cool, strain, drink parts during the day. If fresh raw grass is used, then its quantity should be doubled. Honey or sugar can be added, but it is better to do without them. The main thing is to drink the decoction and infusions regularly.

Infusion. On a glass of boiling water – 0 g of fresh crushed grass or 15 dry. Pour boiling water in a thermos, the grass should be infused for 4 hours. Then strain, drink half a glass half an hour before the meal, and then the remaining amount to take on 1-2 tablespoons during the day.

Herbal tea. Convenient and pleasant way of consumption. Take 1 teaspoon of crushed dry grass (or 2 teaspoons fresh), pour the glass of boiling water and let cool. In herbal tea with St. John's Wort You can add honey, fruit or sugar. Such tea should be drunk in a day no more than 2 glasses.

Folk remedy for depression.

Alcohol tinctures with herbs have medicinal properties. For 1 liter of vodka you should take:

  • Finely chopped liana Limonnik Chinese-150 g;
  • Berries of Chinese Limonnik – c table spoons.

Insist in a dark place for a month, take no more than 2 tablespoons a day. Additionally, you can add 1 teaspoon of tincture in black tea with sugar or honey, but it is necessary to drink such tea in the morning.

Chinese lemongrass themselves are called "Berry five Flavors", it is used as a medicine for more than 250 years. It is a stimulant from nature, strong and at the same time soft. It should not be used for hypertension, heart rhythm violations, seizures, liver disease, women during pregnancy and lactation.

In overdose is insomnia, headache and increased blood pressure.

Folk remedies for irritability and depression

Sometimes depression is accompanied by irritability, which comes to the fore. As a quick means to reduce irritability, the traditional medicine advises the broth of coriander. Prepare it so: 1 teaspoon of seeds of coriander fill with one glass of boiling water and keep on a bath of 15 minutes, then turn off and give to brew still 45 minutes. After Protecevanija drink 2-c table spoons Z or 4 times a day. The status improvement should be expected on the Z-5th day.

In summer it is useful to use cucumber grass to soothe and improve sleep. Fresh flowers, leaves and a stalk grind, 2 table spoons of raw material fill a glass of boiling water, insist 4 hours. After filtering drink two tablespoons before eating several times a day. The improvement is already in a week.

Herbal baths


The remedy that improves sleep, relieves tension, at the same improving skin condition.

The baths are prepared as follows: take 600g of fresh grass or 900g dry, boil in a closed ware 15-20 minutes with a closed lid, then let cool in the same ware minutes 40. Then filter the broth into a ready-made bath.

The temperature of the water-degrees z7, slightly warmer body temperature. Water is used only fresh, no salts in the grass is not added. If the grass has a strong aroma, it is possible to hang a gauze or a fabric sack with it under a tap of hot water, grasses thus take a little more norm.

Use such plants:

  • Mint and Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Valerian
  • Lime and chamomile flowers
  • Green Tea
  • Lemon Verbenu

There is no universal recommendations on selection of plants, aroma choose on own preference. In addition to plants, fresh lemon juice and grapefruit can be added to the bath.

Exercises, increase mood

These are simple movements that cause certain shifts in the body. They work on the principle of biological feedback. These are methods of training and normalization of self-regulation. Here are the main three: in front of the mirror. When we have a good mood, we smile. In the exercise, making a smile, we deceive the brain and force the nerve centers to work as if everything is fine. It is important to smile in front of the mirror to achieve a sincere, open and joyful expression of the face.

2. Hugs – We spread our hands widely and make movements characteristic of close hugs. You can represent a relative, a child, a friend.

3. In the standing position intensively rub the fingertips of the hips-activated biologically active points responsible for the mood.

It is important to do all the exercises as carefully as possible, to engage the imagination, and to search mentally all the positive points.

Spot self-massage

This is the impact on biologically active points that came to us from the east. Here are some of the most active points, the irritation of which quickly improves the mood and calms the thoughts:

  • The point between the nose and upper lip, exactly in the middle-"ambulance", tightly pressed to the teeth of 6 times;
  • The point above the liver is to the right of the last rib, which is washed through the skin, to the correct line from the nipple downwards – massage with circular motions at least 10 minutes in the first hour, and then counterclockwise;
  • Points on both sides of the middle finger of the brush – it is most convenient to clamp them with linen pegs for 5 minutes or more.
In a bad mood and emotional frustration these points are painful, to press them unpleasant. As the condition improves, the pain passes. It is convenient to massage the points in the morning, before lifting out of bed, and before bedtime.

Rejection of negative

This is a prerequisite for the period of recovery from depression. From the field of view you need to remove anything that causes bad mood or frustrating: heavy news, troubled and unpleasant people, sad movies and books, social problems. For some time it is necessary to be selfish, differently from depression it is difficult to "Otvyazat". It is desirable at this time to come up with some "iron" excuse type "my doctor forbade".

Especially to pay attention to the parents of young children. Those who are tormented by the agony of conscience because of the mass of household chores or promises need to understand the simple truth: if they do not become or they are seriously ill, children will not really need anyone. For the sake of the future children, for the sake of opportunity they need to take care of themselves now.

At the same time, you need to concentrate on what is fun. Everyone has their own joys: warm aroma bath, good book, comedy or melodrama, Needlework, floriculture, table setting or clean windows.

In the period of recovery from depression should be allowed to do what long wanted-go to a hike or zoo, the exhibition of a favorite artist or Bard concert.

Depression should be perceived as a respite in the way, as a temporary stop to meet their postponed desires. With this approach, it will be much easier to cope with the mental disorder.

Duration of the national treatment

Self-treatment with the use of folk remedies can be engaged no longer than 2 weeks. If there are no shifts and the mood is still bad, you need to consult a doctor. Depression has many forms and options, to deal with them under the force of only a specialist. It is dangerous to prolong the visit of the medical institution – the condition can deteriorate so much that it will be treated in a hospital.

Using folk remedies, it is necessary to remember that the greatest effect they will bring in collaboration with a psychiatrist, which tells how much a particular recipe would help a person.


How to get out of depression?

In some forms of depression can be rid of it independently, without resorting to the use of drugs.

Measures to combat depression are:

  • Determination of the cause of depression;
  • Analysis of the identified causes;
  • Elimination of factors causing depression;
  • Working with destructive beliefs;
  • The outtrainings.

Determining the causes of depression

In order to get out of depression, it is necessary to determine the cause of this disorder. It can be a specific event (divorce, dismissal, death of a loved one). To determine the cause of depressive state, it is necessary to analyze all the important aspects of life (work, personal relationships, friends). To make the analysis more effective, it is recommended to have a special diary in which you need to record your own thoughts and reflections. The diary can then be used to record the measures taken to eliminate depression.

Analysis of the causes of depression

When identifying the root causes of depressive disorder, it is necessary to analyse their nature and take measures to eliminate them. Conditionally, all provoking factors of depression are divided into two groups. The first category includes reasons that a person can not independently eliminate (leaving the life of a loved one, unfavorable situation in the country, despotic boss). In such cases, in order to get out of depression, it is recommended to change the attitude to these circumstances. The most effective are outtrainings and work on certain character traits. The second category of causes that cause depression include circumstances that can be partially or completely altered by the individual.

Eliminate factors that cause depression

When identifying the causes of depressive disorder, which can be eliminated on their own, it is necessary to work to eliminate them. So, feelings about the appearance lead to insecurity and problems with the opposite sex. The complexities of relationships can also be influenced by selfishness, the desire for domination, and other traits of the patient's character.

Routine in the workplace causes a loss of interest in work, which entails lack of professional performance and financial insolvency. On the other hand, material problems can be a consequence of extravagance or inability to plan a budget. Therefore, the correction of the factors causing depression requires the patient an objective and comprehensive approach.

Working with destructive beliefs

Many patients with depression have common character traits. Therefore, it is necessary to work with the mental aspects of the person in self-control of this disorder. In detecting depression-contributing plants should be carried out measures to correct them.

Common traits of people prone to depression are:


A person who is determined to receive only the perfect result seldom receives satisfaction in life and is constantly in a state of tension.

Polar thinking.

Such people reflect on the principle of "all or nothing".

A pathological sense of duty. Personalities with such a trait are in constant confidence that someone should have something.


This trait is expressed in the tendency to exaggerate the significance of negative events.

How to cope with depression and stress?

Stress is the root cause of depression, regardless of the gender and age of the patient. Therefore, in order to cope with depression, it is necessary to develop such quality as stress resistance. This skill is expressed in the ability to experience various negative situations without much damage to their own health, relationships with others and other aspects of life. An equally important point in the fight against depression is the ability to eliminate stress factors or limit their impact.

Activities that help cope with depression and stress are:

  • Improvement of physical condition;
  • Elimination of external stimuli;
  • Correct confrontation of stress.

Improving physical condition

The physical state of a person has a direct influence on his mood and emotional background. Lack of good rest, fatigue, weakened muscular tone make the body more susceptible to stress and depression. Therefore the first stage of struggle with this disorder is correction of those aspects of life which lead to unsatisfactory physical condition.

Measures of normalization of physical condition of the person are:

  • Timely and full-fledged rest;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Physical activity;

Timely and full-fledged rest

Depression deprives a person not only of mood, but also of physical forces. At the moment of struggle with this disorder organism it is necessary to provide an opportunity to restore resources. Performing daily chores at work and at home requires a lot of effort. Therefore, some changes in the schedule of the day should be made for a certain period in order to make time for rest. In doing so, you should not encourage your own passive behavior and idleness. Rest at depression means fulfillment of those cases which bring pleasure and allow to restore reserves of an organism.

Activities that are recommended to be carried out in free time are:

  • Relaxing baths;
  • Performing self-massage;
  • Conducting meditations;
  • Listening to soothing music;
  • Hobby occupation;

All household chores should be finished a few hours before bedtime, so that the night's rest would be full. Rational use of physical resources in the workplace will help the distribution of cases. For the first half it is recommended to plan larger and more important tasks, as during this period the organism has more strength. During the working day it is necessary to make a break for lunch, and at work at the computer to pause every 2 – 3 hours.

Proper Nutrition

The feeling of hunger is a significant stress factor. Therefore, in order to cope with depression, care should be taken to ensure that the diet is full and varied. The daily menu should include the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Many patients with this disorder are formed various disorders of appetite. Both rejection of food and overeating only aggravate the condition of the person. Therefore, when stressful situations need to control the quality and quantity of food consumed to provide the body with all the necessary elements.

Physical Activity

If possible, it is advisable to enroll in the gym or any sports section. The alternative may be morning runs and/or evening walks. In addition to the systematic implementation of certain exercises (walks, runs), it is recommended to increase energy consumption during the day. At sedentary work it is necessary for each 1-2 hours to perform a small 10-minute charging (mahi hands, squats, jumps). It is also possible to perform domestic duties under rhythmic music, to walk more, to abandon the elevator.

Elimination of external stimuli

Often in the role of a factor associated with stress, one or several minor external stimuli that a person can eliminate independently. Therefore, to cope with stress, it is necessary to take measures to limit the impact of such factors or their complete elimination. Often significant improvements in depression can be achieved by organizing a comfortable working or sleeping place. Such moments as uncomfortable mattress or low-quality illumination, influencing the person because of day to day, can considerably worsen its condition.


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